The Amazing Race 36 episode 3: The great Detour dilemma!

The Amazing Race 36 episode 3 cemented one thought in our head in the closing minutes: This has potential to be a great season. Why? It really cements a lot of what the race is all about!
While you can argue that there were some flaws in the Colombia leg — namely, how bunched-up the teams were and how little room there was for exploration — there were also some aspects of it that proved to be balanced and dramatic. Anthony & Bailey’s elimination is proof positive that being fast and physically strong should not be the only thing that matters — you have to be strategic and decisive at the same time.
In a way, it is still sad to see the twins go, mostly because they were such an interesting cast. On paper, they had the sort of laid-back demeanor mixed with athleticism that would make you think they would be calm under pressure. However, there was also an apparent lack of confidence with some of the tasks. They made mental mistakes within the first two legs, but their demise came down to Detour-flip-flopping between the cooking and the stacking. Had the two just committed to the cooking from the start, they would still be in the race … but that didn’t happen. The tried stacking, went to cooking, jumped back to stacking, and then returned to cooking again before finishing in last place.
It’s hard to tell sometimes the time difference between teams, but by the time that Anthony & Bailey made it to the Pit Stop, they were soaked in the rain. It was raining when Michelle & Sean arrived, but not like that! (They finished in second-to-last.)
What else is positive?
Some of the top teams this season are super likable. Rod & Leticia and Ricky & Cesar have a fun back-and-forth going on close to the top — the boyfriends were able to finish this time in #1. Derek & Shelisa may be our favorite team, though, mostly in that they are older and yet, show almost no fear. Their reasoning behind doing the Race in itself is endearing.
One more positive: The coffee bean-collecting Roadblock was engaging to watch, though maybe we say this as someone who loves roasting coffee.
Related – Where is The Amazing Race 36 going moving into episode 4?
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