One Piece season 2 premiere date: A spring 2024 update

What are the chances we hear more news about One Piece season 2 this spring, whether it be a premiere date or something more specific?
The first thing that we really should state here first is pretty simple: There is a LOT of good stuff coming in this world! The manga / anime adaptation will be starting up filming on the latest batch of episodes soon, and it is our hope as a result of this that we’ll start to hear more about casting (Smoker!), plus all sorts of other good stuff. The ambition for the next season should even surpass what we saw the first go-around, and we do think there was a lot of work done to make the first season great back then.
So, are we going to get some premiere date news on season 2 this spring? In a word, no. It’s great that the One Piece machine is going to start rolling again, and it will be fun for there to be more anticipation now that the reception to the first season was pretty positive. Yet, given the visual effects and the scale we’re talking about here, we’d be shocked if a start date is announced for the new season at any point this year. Spring or summer 2025 feels like the best-case scenario as to when we could see new episodes again and if it’s earlier than that, consider it a pleasant surprise!
With all of this in mind, just sit back and relax through the remainder of the spring and hope that we get a few little tidbits on the show here and there. Netflix knows how popular this universe is, so we have a hard time thinking they’ll leave us hanging for the rest of the year.
Of course, the dream announcement would be if Jamie Lee Curtis is confirmed for Dr. Kureha … but we’ll have to wait and see on that.
What do you most want to see moving into One Piece season 2, no matter when it airs?
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