Station 19 season 7 episode 3 spoilers: ‘True Colors’

Station 19 season 7 episode 3 is going to be airing on ABC next week, and it seems like the top story is one that has been hyped up already.
After all, “True Colors” is going to be a story that revolves around an incident that unfolds at a Pride parade, one that we’ve seen from some assorted previews takes some pretty dark and dangerous twists. To get a little bit more information, just take a look at the full season 7 episode 3 synopsis below:
The Station 19 crew struts their stuff at the FABruary Winter Pride parade, where Maya encounters someone important from her past. Carina looks to Bailey for support, while Travis and Eli arrive at a crossroads.
By the end of this episode, it is our hope that the parade crisis is resolved in a way where everyone is safe. Meanwhile, Maya being forced to encounter her past at this point could prove to be essential for her future. She is someone who has gone through such an extreme amount throughout the show over the years, whether it be confronting her father or some of her own demons. Of course, we do think that there could be some struggles for her beyond this, but we tend to think that this is an optimistic show at the end of the day. Despite whatever pain a lot of these characters have gone through and the people we’ve lost, we are still hoping for a fairly happy outcome at the end of the day.
As for seeing Bailey with Carina, isn’t it nice that we are going to be getting some sort of Grey’s Anatomy crossover here before the end? These don’t have to be big things. Instead, this is a reminder that this is a shared universe and someone like Carina is of course going to interact with people at the hospital!
What do you most want to see moving into Station 19 season 7 episode 3?
Share some of your thoughts and hopes in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to also come back here — there are a number of updates coming through the end of the show.