The Rookie season 6 episode 4 return date hopes at ABC

After what you see tonight on ABC, are you curious to learn more about The Rookie season 6 episode 4 — including when it airs? Let’s just make it clear that we more than understand.
The first thing that we really should do here is just get the bad news out of the way. If you wanted more of the Nathan Fillion drama next week, you are going to be disappointed. The same can be said for the week after. Based on the listings that we’ve seen, the earliest The Rookie will be back is on Tuesday, March 26.
As for the reason why we are stuck having to wait for so long, a lot of it is tied to one thing above all else: The number of episodes that we have this season, coupled with the length of the industry strikes last year. There simply has not been a lot of time to make new episodes the past few months, and this hiatus is going to be needed to help get more stories in the bank.
Also, from an ABC vantage point, doesn’t it make sense to hold on to as many stories as possible until we get around to April and May? They will want to build momentum leading into sweeps, and this is the sort of thing that could help this show get a season 7. Nothing is guaranteed, but we’re doing our best to remain hopeful.
What we are hoping for…
At the very least, there’s a chance that some more details about episode 4 will be coming next week! Through the rest of this season, we don’t necessarily think that the producers are out to reinvent this show or what happens with Nolan, Bradford, Chen, or anyone else. However, they do tend to play around with format a little bit and we’re curious if any other experimental episodes could be coming.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on The Rookie right now, including the latest on guest stars
What are you most want to see moving into The Rookie season 6 episode 4 on ABC?
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