Is The Conners new tonight on ABC with season 6 episode 5?

Is The Conners new tonight on ABC? Of course, we’d love a chance to dive into new episodes, especially after having so much momentum to kick things off over the past few weeks.
Unfortunately, this is where we do have to come in with a little bit of the bad news, at least for the time being — there is no installment coming to the network tonight. This is luckily just a brief break in the action, as you are going to have a chance to see some more installments arrive on the network in just one week’s time.
With that in mind, why not go ahead and set the stage for some of that now? Below, not only can you see the full synopsis for The Conners season 6 episode 5 (airing on March 13) below, but also the one coming your way on March 20.
Season 6 episode 5, “When Sisters Collide and The Return of the Grifters” – Darlene crashes Mark’s college trivia night to prove how smart she is. Elsewhere, Neville finds out the money he loaned Dan was used for something other than its intended purpose. (TV-PG, DL)
Season 6 episode 6, “Hanging in Dorms with Boys and The Secret Life of Men” – Darlene urges Ben to make some male friends as he feels anxious about turning 50. Elsewhere, Mark asks Harris to buy him and his friends beer for their dorm room.
In general, we would say that the objective here is every bit the same as it has been in the past, especially when it comes to delivering fun, relatable stories to a lot of people out there. This is a show that obviously wants to make you laugh, but perhaps think a little bit about your own life. It is also still facing a little bit of an unknown future, as surprising as that may be. Despite some suggestions coming into the season suggesting that this may be the final one, there is still a little bit of hope for the future.
What do you most want to see on The Conners season 6 when it returns to ABC next week?
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