Saturday Night Live: Sydney Sweeney, Kacey Musgraves promo

Is this weekend’s Saturday Night Live episode going to be one of the more popular of this season? There is definitely a case to be made for it. After all, Sydney Sweeney has to be considered one of the biggest rising stars in the industry right now, and Kacey Musgraves also has an enormous following all her own.
Of course, an episode is really only so good as some of the sketches, and that is where it gets a little bit hard to figure things out in advance.
For now, here is what we can say — if you head over to the link here, you can see the latest promo for this upcoming episode, one that is hard to really think about when it comes to clear takeaways. Not all of the jokes in this preview (which features Sweeney, Musgraves, and Heidi Gardner) really land. However, at the same time it’s hard to imagine that a ton of time was put into this! Ultimately, we tend to think that the Saturday Night Live creative team understandably prioritizes the episode itself over some of the promos, and that’s where we will see exactly what transpires. We do think that Sydney will be game for a lot of stuff, and we hope that there are some sketches that really just allow her to be super-weird and incredibly over-the-top.
Perhaps the thing that we are the most curious about right now is simply whether or not there’s going to be some sort of direct spoof to Madame Web in here, given that 1) Sydney was in it and 2) it has proven already to be a critical and commercial letdown. We don’t think any of this is a huge surprise, but the movie wasn’t mentioned too much in the Dakota Johnson episode other than a brief joke or two about it in the opening monologue.
Related – Go ahead and get some more news entering the next Saturday Night Live episode
What do you most want to see from the Sydney Sweeney – Kacey Musgraves episode of Saturday Night Live?
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