Family Law season 3 episode 8 spoilers: ‘When There’s a Will’

Are you ready to learn a little bit more all about Family Law season 3 episode 8 over at The CW? There are, of course, so many things we can say!
Where’s the best place to start? Personally, we tie it mostly to the fact that this show is going to be gearing up for what we think of as the home stretch. There isn’t that much left until the finale and by virtue of that, everything that you see the rest of the way matters that much more.
The title for this episode is “When There’s a Will,” which we certainly think already has some sort of double-meaning attached to it. This is one of those stories that is designed to give Abby a lot to think about, both when it comes to the case at hand and also the future. If you do want to learn a little bit more, go ahead and check out the full Family Law season 3 episode 8 synopsis below:
The parallels to their own lives are unmistakable when both Abby (Jewel Staite, “Firefly,” “The L.A. Complex”) and Daniel (Zach Smadu, “Cardinal”) represent clients who want something a court can’t order: their parents’ respect. The episode was written by Corey Liu and directed by Alysse Leite-Rogers (#308). Original airdate 3/6/2024.
Now, by the end of this episode we do hope that this is a situation where both Abby and Daniel can each find a little bit of peace. The CW isn’t exactly giving us a lot to go on otherwise, though we presume isn’t that big of a surprise given how much of the story is left. They do want to keep a certain element of surprise and at this point, we also tend to think there is going to be some continuity between one story and the next.
What do you most want to see moving into Family Law season 3 episode 8 on The CW?
Beyond that, what have you thought about the overall story so far? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, keep coming back — there are more updates ahead.