Curb Your Enthusiasm season 12 episode 4: Larry & Willie Geist

One of the things that makes Curb Your Enthusiasm so special is its random guest spots. This week, it was Willie Geist.
Out of all the people we anticipated turning up here, who could’ve predicted the Today Show newsman? In this episode, he turned up in order to do an interview with Larry David following his arrest in Georgia, where he accidentally cemented himself as a folk hero for giving out water. Of course, things went off the rails immediately when Larry learned, per Willie’s research, that someone referred to him as an “a—–le.” From there, it spiraled further when Willie asked about whether he was “Disgruntled,” the person who aired out all the grievances at the golf club.
For the remainder of the episode, we were waiting for this interview to air in the midst of therapy sessions and some other classic Curb Your Enthusiasm nonsense. This included a lengthy argument between Larry and the kitchen staff over whether or not they were cooking his eggs. (This show has completely cornered the market on TV characters arguing with restaurant workers.)
Yet, here is the funny thing: We never even got to see Geist’s segment! Instead of profiling Larry, he really just became obsessed with the identity of Disgruntled and spent the rest of the episode going down a rabbit hole to figure that out. This led to him visiting a urologist, largely so that he could listen in the therapy office next door and learn the truth: Jeff wrote the letter.
Yes, this entire episode was insane, but also very funny. Creatively a nice step ahead of what we had last week.
One other thing we are wondering about
When this show ends, what TV character is going to take up the mantle of wanting to argue with various waiters?
Related – Be sure to get some more news on the next Curb Your Enthusiasm episode
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