Curb Your Enthusiasm season 12 episode 5 spoilers: ‘Fish Stuck’

Next week on Curb Your Enthusiasm season 12 episode 5, you are going to see a story titled “Fish Stuck” that should prove to be pretty darn absurd. Aren’t a lot of episodes with Larry David at the center of them? This is a show that is in the midst of the final season and we imagine there is a certain freedom that comes with throwing every idea that you have out there. You know there is no tomorrow so why wait? We’re not sure that David thinks this way creatively, but this is certainly what we want to see as a viewer.
One of the things that we’ve long enjoyed here is the opportunity to see stories play out that very few shows will be willing to take on, and this will absolutely be the case moving forward. For some evidence, take a look at the full Curb Your Enthusiasm season 12 episode 5 synopsis below:
After an incident at temple, Larry asks friends to vouch for his character – while also trying to help name a baby and worrying about a fish.
How do you even analyze something about this? Also, how do you connect a fish and a baby? We’re sure that when you actually watch this episode, everything will make a little bit more sense … or at least within the context that things make sense on this show at all. The truth here remains that Larry is about as indefensible a character as you are going to find the majority of the time and we see no reason to think that this is going to change before the series concludes. There’s also no real pressure for it to change. We’ve long felt like one of the real lessons of Curb Your Enthusiasm is that really, you should try to do the total opposite to what he does the vast majority of the time.
What do you most want to see moving into Curb Your Enthusiasm season 12 episode 5?
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