Quantum Leap season 2 finale spoilers: What if Ben heads home?

Quantum Leap season 2
Photo: NBC

As we prepare to see the Quantum Leap season 2 finale on NBC in just a matter of days, there are clearly a number of what-ifs. As a matter of fact, there are so many that it is hard to know just where to start!

Take, for starters, the hypothetical situation here where nothing works out for Ben Song across these final episodes and as a result of that, he ends up being suspended in time all over again. Then, there’s the what-if that is tied to whether or not Hannah is the key to helping him, and if in doing so, she becomes all the more heartbroken.

Then, there is also this: What if Ben actually does make it home? What will that mean when it comes to his life? Speaking in a new interview with TV Insider, star Caitlin Bassett had a pretty interesting perspective on what happens to Addison regardless of Ben’s status:

“Nothing’s changed. Ben’s still leaping. Addison’s still here. Even if Ben were to leap home right now, I think their relationship has fundamentally changed … And just because I know I’m not ready to marry somebody else doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going back to your ex. It just means that I’m not there. Addison needs to figure out Addison, and I think that’s not only a great place to land for the season, but a great place to land for the show moving forward because there’s just too much to figure out.”

We do think that all of the relationships at this point on Quantum Leap are both fascinating and complicated, especially when you consider the fact that the writers are not super-eager to do a love triangle or anything of the sort. It’s hard to even fathom how the story will end with Hannah and Ben … if it even does.

Related Is there a chance that Magic could still appear in Quantum Leap season 2 down the road?

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