Death and Other Details season 1 episode 7: The Collier question

Death and Other Details season 1
Photo: Hulu

As many of you may be aware at this point, Death and Other Details season 1 episode 7 is going to be hugely important. After all, this could be one of the best opportunities that we have to dive into the pasts of both Rufus and Imogene and, through that, learn more about what really happened to her mother.

Obviously, there’s something that happened so many years ago that Rufus didn’t see. Maybe it is because he’s a hack; or, maybe it is also because he was incapable of seeing it in the first place. He may need help, and Imogene could hold some answers … but so could the Colliers.

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Is it possible that Anna or Tripp find their way into this flashback-themed story? Let’s just say that we would not be altogether surprised in the event that this happens. They were around for much of what happened, but would they protect their own family over the truth? That has to be some sort of concern.

We do think that in general, there has to be something more that the Collier family is involved in entering this episode. Were they speaking to a character not previously attached to that timeline? Was one of them actually helping Viktor Sams in a way? The most mysterious person within this group is clearly Lawrence, who has been intentionally kept at arm’s length for a considerable amount of the story so far and there is a great deal that we wish to still learn about him. The question is whether or not an opportunity is going to arise to actually understand him further. It may not come within episode 7, but it certainly should before we get around to the finale.

Related Be sure to get some more news regarding Death and Other Details right now

How do you think the Colliers will factor into the story of Death and Other Details season 1 episode 7?

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