The Woman in the Wall episode 6 (finale): Who killed Percy?

Next week on Showtime, you are going to have a chance to see The Woman in the Wall episode 6, otherwise known as the big finale. What’s going to happen? This is the story where everything could hit the fan, and where the stakes are higher and crazier than just about ever before. Lorna may finally be able to understand the truth about her daughter, while at the same the person responsible for Father Percy’s death could be revealed.
This is where we really should remind you that this six-episode series was never constructed to have a season 2; with that in mind, this upcoming story is going to bring you a good bit of closure. With that, let’s just hope it is satisfying!
For a few more details as to what is coming, just go ahead and check out the full The Woman in the Wall episode 6 synopsis below:
Colman and Massey work together to capture the true culprit behind Father Percy’s murder, but there are darker figures in the shadows who still walk free. Plus, Lorna is close to understanding how her daughter was hidden.
If there is anything more that we really should say now…
Be prepared for Ruth Wilson to completely knock it out of the park. She’s done so much great work over the years, but Lorna could prove to be one of her best roles. There is so much pain this character, but also so many layers and such potential. She is someone who is absolutely wonderful to explore, and we really are glad that The Woman in the Wall existed for that very reason. Why know that the series itself has not necessarily caught fire with US audiences as of right now, but there is certainly still a chance that it could happen down the road! You never quite know anymore what shows are going to take off and when.
What do you most want to see moving into The Woman in the Wall episode 6 over on Showtime?
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