Family Law season 3 episode 6 spoilers: Chip’s complicated case

Next week on The CW, you are going to have a chance to dive more into Family Law season 3 episode 6 — so what stories will stand out?
Well, first and foremost, let’s just say that “When the Chip hits the Fan” is going to be a big one for a certain judge, someone who has quite a secret that is about to come out. Yet, are things far more complicated than they seem? Isn’t that the case here the vast majority of the time? To get some other insight, go ahead and check out the full Family Law season 3 episode 6 synopsis below:
When a heart attack lands Judge Chip Crombie in hospital and both his wives show up, Abby (Jewel Staite, “Firefly,” “The L.A. Complex”) revels in her nemesis’ shame at being exposed as a bigamist – until she discovers that her client and Chip’s second wife, might have known he was already married. The episode was written by Susin Nielsen and directed by David Frazee (#306). Original airdate 2/21/2024.
This feels like a story that is going to be all about unpacking layers and understanding characters better, and we do think that this is one of those things that Family Law does really well. Of course, we also just think it could also give Abby a different perspective. She’s an interesting character in that she’s certainly experienced enough to understand that people can be nuanced — and yet, is it also possible that she falls into her own traps sometimes? Everyone does, and that is fundamentally just a part of what makes us all human. It isn’t something to be embarrassed about.
Hopefully, the remainder of this season is going to just keep chugging along at a rather steady pace and in the end, we are more than a little bit stoked to see where things lead.
What do you most want to see moving into Family Law season 3 episode 6?
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