Curb Your Enthusiasm season 12: EP on Stacey Abrams cameo

Last night’s episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm was absolutely absurd for many reasons. What was a big one? Well, think in terms of that cameo from Stacey Abrams!
Think about the story for a moment — Larry David found himself becoming a folk hero after giving water to someone in line for election. As it turns out, this was illegal and he got thrown in jail … not that Larry knew this at the time. Upon his release he was treated to praise by many, including the prominent Georgia politician and activist and also Bruce Springsteen.
So how did this come together? Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, here is some of what executive producer Jeff Schaffer had to say:
“We knew we wanted celebrities and politicians to sing Larry’s praises, and it was Georgia and Stacey Abrams was the perfect person, … Stacey and Larry had met before at various causes [and events], so he reached out and she said if she’s in town, she would love to do it. She ended up coming to California for something and was in L.A., so we had her come into our offices to shoot.”
Ultimately, these cameos do cement further the impact that Curb Your Enthusiasm has on society at large, plus also the sense of humor for a lot of people involved. Obviously, Larry is not exactly the most heroic of people within this world — just think about everything else he does within this episode! We don’t tend to think that Abrams and Springsteen are going to be the last cameos that we see throughout the final season. This is where the legacy of the show is cemented, not that this is something that it really needs at this point. David’s send-up of himself is iconic and even if many episodes end up being about the same thing, they’re always funny.
Related – Be sure to get some more news entering the next Curb Your Enthusiasm episode right now
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