Death and Other Details video: More from Violett Beane, cast

Death and Other Details season 1
Photo: Hulu

While you wait to see the latest Death and Other Details episode arrive on Hulu next week, why not hear more from some of the cast? This is what we’re excited to dive more into here!

First and foremost, let’s remind you for a moment of where things currently stand within the world of the show. Imogene and Rufus are working to uncover the murder of Keith Trubisky a.k.a. Danny, who was technically killed by Winnie. However, she was acting at the time at the behest of one Viktor Sams, who has been set up at this point to be the de-facto Big Bad of the entire show. He also seems to have a secret base hidden on board the ship, but does Sunil know about it? You would have to assume so at this point, but at the same time we’ve certainly seen some crazier things happen.

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So while you wait for what lies ahead, do you want to hear more from some of the cast? If you head over to the link here, you can see a new interview featuring Violett Beane and several other cast members with Fox 5 Atlanta. Within this, you can actually get a little more news when it comes to what the future of the series will look like, and that includes more reasons for excitement in general. Sure, there aren’t any major spoilers in here, but isn’t nice to get at least something more about the experience of filming it?

As of right now, we would argue that Death and Other Details is one of the best shows out there that more people should be checking out and honestly, we’re surprised that it does not have a bigger audience right now than it does. Given that it brings so much to the table, we would love to see even more discussions about it online.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Death and Other Details right now, including what else is ahead

What are you most excited to see when it comes to Death and Other Details moving forward?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! After you do just that, remember to also come back here — there are so many other updates ahead.

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