Wild Cards season 1 episode 5 spoilers: A big kidnapping!

Following what you see tonight on The CW, do you want to learn more about Wild Cards season 1 episode 5? Well, for starters, know this: The show is airing an installment on Valentine’s Day! You could easily argue that the network would be steering clear of that in fear of losing viewers but luckily, they don’t seem to be that concerned. At least so far the series has been reasonable steady in terms of the live ratings and ultimately, we tend to think that the powers-that-be have a certain amount of hope in it.
After all, why wouldn’t they? This is the sort of show that has a tried-and-true formula and really, its biggest challenge is going to be making more people aware of it. That is not always the easiest thing to do when you are on a network not really known for this sort of procedural.
Now, let’s talk about the specific story that is coming up on Valentine’s Day. The title here is “The Accountant of Monte Cristo” — for a few more details on what’s ahead here, go ahead and check out the Wild Cards season 1 episode 5 synopsis below:
GUEST APPEARANCE BY JASON PRIESTLEY – After an infamous accountant set to testify against the mob is kidnapped, Ellis (Giacomo Gianniotti) gets an urgent call from an old friend to help get him back. Chief Li (Terry Chen) tells Max (Vanessa Morgan) and Ellis they’re on thin ice (105). The episode was directed by Shawn Piller and written by Marcus Robinson & Kristin Slaney. Original airdate 2/14/2024.
Just on the basis of what we’re seeing here, we certainly do think that this episode is going to have its fair share of fun and also drama. We do sometimes get a little worried about complicated mob stories in a one-hour procedural like this, but we’re trying to have faith in what the writers are throwing out here.
What do you most want to see moving into Wild Cards season 1 episode 5 on The CW?
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