Funny Woman season 1 episode 6 spoilers: The big finale!

Funny Woman season 1
Photo: PBS

Following what you see tonight on PBS, do you want to learn more about Funny Woman season 1 episode 6?

Well, we really should start off here by simply noting the following: The finale is right around the corner! Next week marks the end of the journey for now, and of course that raises a lot of questions about the future. What is going to happen to Sophie / Barbara? Well, we could get a slightly better sense of this when the dust settles, and pretty darn soon!

Below, you can see the full Funny Woman season 1 episode 6 synopsis with more as to what lies ahead:

The team reunites to record the last show, but there are a few surprises still in store.

Here’s another bit of good news

We already know that there is another season planned in the UK, and it is of course our hope that this translates to us getting a chance to see another season next year on PBS! That’s going to be up somewhat to what the American broadcaster wants to do, but we do realize that they have been incredibly supportive of acquisitions from the UK. The best thing that we can hope, at least for now, is that they continue to keep that going.

Also, we hope that there is still a future in the entertainment world for our lead character moving forward! We don’t think that there is any real reason at this point to navigate from what makes this show so interesting — there aren’t a lot of other series out there that are providing this! Also, you’ve got a great lead here in Gemma Arterton who has brought a lot to the table so far — there is no real reason to think that this is about to change anytime soon.

What do you most want to see moving into Funny Woman season 1 episode 6?

How do you think the story is going to see this particular story tie together? Share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, keep coming back — there are some other updates on the way.

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