Is Steven Weber leaving Chicago Med? Where is Dean Archer?
Is Steven Weber leaving Chicago Med at some point in season 9? If you are wondering about the whereabouts of Dean Archer, we get it!
After all, let’s start things off here by noting the reason why Dr. Archer is away from the hospital tonight — think about the events of last week with the transplant! This is a show that is clearly trying to operate under at least some sort of realm of realism, meaning that they aren’t going to have a doctor coming back to work while trying to heal.
In the end, what we’re trying to save here is that Weber is not departing the show and beyond that, there are some logistical reasons why he is gone from tonight’s episode. One thing that the entire Chicago franchise will be doing this year (and in the near future) is not feature their entire cast every episode. This is a way for them to cut down on costs and keep the shows on the air in an era where things are more and more expensive and viewership is dropping. The absence here was written into the story, and we tend to think that this is going to happen at other points in the future, as well.
Are there going to be times in here where this hurts continuity? It is possible, but we also think there is potential for there to be fewer storylines per episode and with that, greater opportunities to focus in on just a small and select group. There may be some benefits to that at the end of the day … or at least so we hope. We did see some of that within this week’s episode, mostly because we had a chance to see some good stuff for both Dr. Asher and Dr. Marcel.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Chicago Med now, including Archer’s eventual return
Are you sad that Steven Weber was MIA during tonight’s Chicago Med episode?
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