The Way Home season 2 episode 3 spoilers: A huge look back

Next week on Hallmark Channel, you are going to have a chance to dive more into The Way Home season 2 episode 3 — so what is ahead here? “When You Were Young” is not just a noteworthy song title; it is also a way to fully express the sort of emotions and feelings you’re going to be seeing over the course of this hour.
Want to know a little bit more about what’s ahead here? Well, as a jumping-off point, the synopsis below is a pretty good guide:
The Landry women and Elliot reflect on what it means to grow up as they hang on to memories from their younger days while accepting who they have become.
One of the things that has been pretty smart about The Way Home from the get-go is that there has been such a focus on a small group of people. There does seem to be a pretty smart sense of awareness here that if you are going to incorporate something like time-travel into the show, you also cannot incorporate a lot of different people, as well. This is going to be one of those episodes that really informs the future, mostly because you have a great opportunity to explore who some of these people are.
Granted, since we are still so early on in the season, it does also still mean that we’re going to have a chance to see things progress and develop, as well. Our hope here in general is that the show will be able to use this as a stepping stone for so many other things. Absolutely, we are hoping that we’re going to learn all about what happens to Jacob, but there are going to be a lot of other things that happen over time here, as well. Do you really think that this show is going to just be focused on one thing? That is not the way that this show works!
What do you most want to see moving into The Way Home season 2 episode 3?
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