Funny Woman season 1 episode 5: The last before finale

Funny Woman season 1
Photo: PBS

Next week on PBS, you are going to have a chance to check out Funny Woman season 1 episode 5. So, what lies ahead here?

Well, first and foremost here, let’s begin by reminding you where this episode is in the larger story. There are only two episodes remaining, and that means that a lot of the drama is going to ramp up. Through the first four episodes, we have already seen Barbara a.k.a. Sophie do whatever she could in order to ensure that she found stardom. Well, she had it, but since that time a lot has changed … and everything is starting to crumble. She is about to find herself elsewhere, wondering if her show is completely over.

Below, you can check out the full Funny Woman season 1 episode 5 synopsis with other updates on what’s ahead:

Sophie is banished to Blackpool to await her fate and wonders if her career is over.

So is there still a chance at a last hurrah for her? Let’s just say that, at least for the time being, there is a legitimately good chance at it … mostly because this is one of those shows that absolutely wants to keep you on your toes. We also do think that it was designed for this season to have a certain element of closure and with that, nobody is really planning to stretch anything out for too long.

We do really appreciate, no matter how Funny Woman ends, that PBS opted to pick it up and air it for American audiences. We’ve said it before, but this is fundamentally a pretty different show from a lot of their period dramas. Sure, it is set in the past, but it also feels somehow more current and is not always trying to convey the same sort of warm fuzzies or sense of community that you get from some of their other programs. Heck, you could say that about some of the ones currently airing on Sundays.

What do you most want to see moving into Funny Woman season 1 episode 5?

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