Wild Cards season 1 episode 3 spoilers, plus the latest ratings

After what you saw this week on The CW, do you want to know more about Wild Cards season 1 episode 3? Right now, the show is still in the building phase. This is a brand-new series from a network that is still trying to figure out what to do with new ownership. We know that one of the goals with the show right now is simply to establish a rhythm, and also allow you to get to know the main characters of Max and Ellis. Their dynamic is essential to whether or not the show works! It may take some time to work everything out, but continuing to have a familiar face like Jason Priestley as a guest star goes a long way.
Below, you can get the full Wild Cards season 1 episode 3 (“Show Me the Murder”) synopsis to get some more information about what lies ahead:
GUEST APPEARANCE BY JASON PRIESTLEY – Things go from quaint to creepy when Max (Vanessa Morgan) and Ellis (Giacomo Gianniotti) look into the disappearance of a butcher in a small rural town. The duo gets a lesson in team building and Max quizzes Ellis on his personal life. Also starring Terry Chen, Michael Xavier, and Amy Goodmurphy (#103). The episode was directed by Lee Rose and written by Sabrina Sherif. Original airdate 1/31/2024.
Based on the promos we’ve seen so far for what lies ahead, it does really feel more like it is Ellis who has real resistance to this partnership, but can that change more over time? We do tend to think so, mostly because this is one of those shows that is really all about establishing a slow evolution and getting you drawn in to the characters over time.
As for the ratings…
The premiere of Wild Cards drew almost 500,000 live+same-day viewers last week. While those numbers may not be mind-blowing, it is faring better than other recent CW projects. We’ll just have to see where things go from here.
What do you most want to see moving into Wild Cards season 1 episode 3 on The CW?
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