Criminal Record season 1 episode 4: The significance of Doris

Tomorrow night is going to bring Criminal Record season 1 episode 4 over on Apple TV+, so what more can we say about Doris?
Well, for now, let’s just start off here by noting that she could prove to have a pretty darn valuable role in the story at large, though the exact specifics of what that is remains to be seen. Doris is the mother of the incarcerated Errol Mathis, who may be wrongly imprisoned following the death of Adelaide Burrows. Like so many other real-life mothers in her position, she would love to do whatever she can to ensure that justice is rightfully served, but also is wary of a number of people who come by for many reasons.
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As we move into episode 4, Doris may become all the more important thanks largely to one other character in Patrick. Errol’s son may be, at least for June Lenker, incredibly important now in showing that things are a little bit more complicated in regards to Daniel’s actions around the case. It looks as though Daniel may have protected Patrick from being charged in a past incident, but why? Is there a certain measure of grief here? That is something that needs to be determined, and our hope is that it will at some point in the relatively near future. This could then raise a question about why Daniel feels guilty.
As of right now, our prevailing theory is that Daniel knows that Errol is most likely not guilty, but he is not admitting the truth to 1) preserve his reputation and 2) ensure that nothing happens to the people he is close to. June is a major obstacle that now stands in his way.
Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Criminal Record, including what else could be coming
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.