Criminal Record season 1 episode 3: Cush Jumbo on June, Daniel

As we prepare to see Criminal Record season 1 episode 3 on Apple TV+ coming up, why not talk more about the central characters?
If you had a chance to check out the first two episodes of the series, then you know that the main focus of the show is the relationship between June Lenker (Cush Jumbo) and Daniel Hegarty (Peter Capaldi). One of them is a relative newcomer as a detective with limited experience, and the other is a longtime veteran. However, has Daniel been doing his work properly, especially when it comes to the arrest of Errol Mathis so many years before? That is one of the questions at the heart of the series, and it is certainly something that the producers are eager to explore.
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The question we have to wonder right now with Daniel is one of intent, as we clearly see him trying to keep Lenker from being able to investigate Errol’s potential innocence. Is he doing it because he did something malicious so many years ago? Or, is he just anxiously trying to preserve his reputation? We have seen him speaking to his longtime colleagues who worked with him way back when, almost to ensure that there are no loose threads that can be pulled.
Speaking to the Boston Herald about Hegarty in particular, Jumbo keeps some cards close to the vest, but also emphasizes what we should be wondering about:
“…He has been chasing the truth in what he feels like is the right way. But the way he’s been doing it is not how she now does things. They would have trained in completely different ways; the world would have been completely different.
“Now we’re having to assume as an audience whether that makes him bad? Or just somebody having to process the way he felt like he had to process?”
The whole idea for this show is fascinating and layered, and we hope that it stays that way for as long as possible. So much of what makes this story interesting for now is just working to ensure that everyone continues to have these big questions about trust.
Related – Get a few more details now entering the next Criminal Record episode
What do you want to see moving into Criminal Record season 1 episode 3, let alone the rest of the season?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.