Magnum PI season 5 episode 19, 20 photos: Emotional moments

Magnum PI season 5 part 2
Photo: NBC

As you prepare to see Magnum PI season 5 episodes 19 and 20 on NBC next week, we advise you to have tissues on standby. Some of that could be due to the fact that this is being promoted as the two-hour series finale event. Another part of it could be tied to what you are actually going to be seeing on-screen.

Of course, we’ve made our desires clear for a season 6 over the past several months, and we’ll continue to do so; yet, for the sake of this article we want to focus more on the story ahead.

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If you head over to the show’s official Twitter, you can see the entirety of the photos for “Ashes to Ashes” and “The Big Squeeze” all in one place, and you get a good reminder that these two stories are going to collectively contain a lot of what you’ve come to love about this series over the years. Sure, there’s a chance in here to see a lot of action and adventure because of some tough cases, but there is also an extremely emotional story ahead for Kumu! Meanwhile, you’ll have romance aplenty with multiple couples, and you may have seen that preview already hinted at a possible Magnum – Higgins proposal. These episodes will make you smile, and they could very well make you cry.

Will you be left wanting more? Probably, but that’s just because of how great it’s been over the past several years. Based on every single tease we’ve seen and heard for the finale, we don’t think that the story is going to be left hanging in some unsatisfying way. You will get a lot of closure for many of your favorites.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Magnum PI right now, including the most recent promo

How do you think we are going to see things play out entering these final two episodes of Magnum PI season 5?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, come back for some additional updates.

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