Magnum PI season 5 finale: Are any more previews coming?

Magnum PI season 5 part 2
Photo: NBC

In just over one week’s time, you are going to see the two-part Magnum PI season 5 event turn up at NBC! Let’s go ahead and make it clear that we’re 100% not ready. The entire second part of this season has blown by, and that’s even with some forced hiatuses thrown in there.

If there’s one part of this whole process that does feel pretty shocking based on where we stand right now, it’s not the fact that the show is wrapping up (at least for now) on January 3. Instead, it’s the fact that most casual viewers may not be aware of this.

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Just take a moment to think about it — the last Magnum PI promo that NBC showed off on-air was about episode 19 titled “Ashes to Ashes.” They’ve yet to say anything in general about episode 20 “The Big Squeeze.” There is a part of us that would love to think that NBC is still entertaining the idea of pushing the finale back to January 10 and giving it a separate week to shine, but there is no real evidence of that as now. Maybe it is a pipe dream, just as it may be that we will get some sort of substantial preview for both episodes between now and when they air.

We’ve made it beyond clear over the past several months that we want a season 6, just as we will also do whatever we can in an effort to make that happen. If season 5 is going to be the end, though (at least at NBC), we would at least hope that it gets a proper send-off. That includes some substantial previews for to expect — after all, this could attract more viewers, and that would increase the odds of another party being introduced in it down the road!

There are a lot of fears out in the fandom right now that the show is done, especially with reports that certain sets have been taken down and/or replaced. The only response we have to that is simple: Things can always be rebuilt. The road to a season 6 was never going to be a fast one, especially since there are no contracts and so many variables at place.

Related Get the official synopsis now for the Magnum PI season 5 finale, if you have not seen it already

What do you most want to see moving into the Magnum PI season 5 finale?

Do you think that we’re going to see more previews? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Also, keep coming back for some further discussion about the future.

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