Power Book II: Ghost season 4 premiere date: Winter hopes

Is there a chance that we are going to learn a Power Book II: Ghost season 4 premiere date at some point this winter?
Before we dive too much further into this, let’s just issue a quick reminder of a couple of things: Not only has the Michael Rainey Jr. series been renewed already for another batch of episodes, but they have already been filmed! With that, we are not just in this delicate position where we are sitting back and waiting for more news … and there is no guarantee that it will come quickly.
For example, if you are hoping that we will get a chance to see the season 4 premiere this winter, you are probably going to be disappointed. The next few weeks are going to be largely preoccupied by the new season of Power Book III: Raising Kanan and after that, Starz seems to be moving into BMF. We have seen already that these shows from 50 Cent do not have a tendency to air alongside each other, so we have no real reason to think that things are going to be altogether different here.
Our expectation right now is that come late May or early June, you could see Power Book II: Ghost come back on the air — if that happens, there’s a chance a date could be announced in March. We suppose that, at least in theory, this opens the door for a date to be revealed in the spring — though technically, you are still going to have to wait a while.
The thing we are most excited to see
As of right now, this is not all that complicated. If we are lucky, there is going to be a pretty epic sequence or two in the early going featuring Tariq and Brayden. Just consider the fact that these characters are effectively on the run — what are they going to be able to do in order to protect themselves?
What are you most excited to check out entering Power Book II: Ghost season 4, no matter when it premieres?
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