Survivor 45 episode 13 (finale) promo: Can Dee be defeated?

As we prepare ourselves to see the Survivor 45 finale next week, we have to put most of our attention on Dee. After all, we do think that we’re looking potentially at the best player that we’ve seen in this “new” era of the game.
Have there been some other strong players over the past few years? Sure, and both Ricard and Jesse come to mind. However, neither made it to the final three! Most of the winners so far since season 40 have made some good moves, but none had truly dominant games. Dee has that and then some.
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With all of this in mind, it is nice to at least see Dee’s name mentioned as a target in the finale, given that she is a million percent the biggest threat. Realistically, if Katurah, Jake, and Austin were smart, they would get rid of both Julie and Dee entering the final two. If they do that, the game opens up and anything is possible.
Unfortunately for them, we’re not sure that Austin especially is going to see this. He’s got that showmance with Dee and we think that somehow, she is going to be able to win him back after he was blindsided. This may be her biggest test as a player, and it’s something that Tony was able to do well in his winning seasons — still get people to trust them after the moments that he went rogue.
The #1 person who may have a chance to really pull a big move and get out Dee at this point is Jake, mostly because he has an idol that nobody knows about. However, is there a way for that to even happen. He would need everyone to throw all the votes on him, but there is no guarantee that they are going to do that. Not everyone may even want him gone at this point!
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Survivor 45 and what’s ahead from here
What do you most want to see moving into the Survivor 45 finale?
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