Survivor 45 episode 13 (finale) preview: Who will win?

As we prepare to see Survivor 45 episode 13 on CBS next week, the stakes are obviously higher than ever. The finale is right around the corner!
Now, of course, the big question is just what is going to be who will be on the inside track to winning the game. At the moment, we do have to say that it’s Dee. Just think about this for a moment here. She’s not only won multiple immunity challenges, but at the same exact time, she’s got an insane amount of strategic and social control over the game. She has Austin wrapped around her finger and beyond that, people just want to include her in any plan!
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As we do move into the finale, we do think that we’re going to be seeing a lot of what we’ve seen over the past few seasons. Just think in terms of a new camp, a fire-making challenge, and all hidden immunity idols expiring at five. Then, you have the fire-making challenge that will define everything at the final four … unless it is surprisingly gone from the game for whatever reason.
If Dee is in the final three, she wins — with everyone else, though, things are a little bit more up in the air. Jake and Katurah are trying to play, but is it true late? Julie has been a real fighter and for us, she’s someone who we would absolutely be inclined to support if we were at the end of the game. Based on what we’ve seen so far, we also tend to think that she’d have the jury’s support!
We do think the end of this season will be fun. Also, we tend to think that we’re going to get some sort of teaser as to what the next season is going to look like.
What do you most want to see moving into the Survivor 45 finale?
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