Game of Thrones – Jon Snow spin-off: December hopes

Are we poised to learn anything about the Game of Thrones – Jon Snow spin-off over the course of December? This show has been a big question mark for quite some time, mostly because there is still no clear indication that it will ever see the light of day.
First and foremost, remember for a moment that HBO has barely even confirmed the existence of this project, which is based on an original idea from series star Kit Harington. We know that there are multiple ideas being tinkered about behind the scenes, and the development project for anything within the larger Game of Thrones universe takes some time.
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With the following in mind, it is our feeling at present that there will probably not be too much news on this spin-off for at least the remainder of the year, if not the first few months of 2024. This is not a show that HBO is going to greenlight unless they have 100% confidence it will be a smash hit. As polarizing as the original series was, it still had a clear ending. Messing with that is pretty tricky. Also, it has to match the great stuff they are doing right now with House of the Dragon, plus also the already-confirmed The Hedge Knight: A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, which we tend to think we are going to learn more about next year.
Until the network confirms that the show is dead, we have to keep believing that there is a chance that it could happen. Let’s just cross our fingers and hope for the best here, shall we? We love Harington, and judging from his upcoming role in Industry, he still has a great thing going with HBO.
Do you still think that the Game of Thrones – Jon Snow spin-off is going to happen?
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This article was written by Jessica Bunbun.