For All Mankind season 4 episode 2: More of Margo’s story ahead

For All Mankind season 4
Photo: Apple TV+.

Now that we are an episode into For All Mankind season 4, we’ve gotten a small taste of what Margo’s story will be. This is a character who has gone on a completely different trajectory due to what was done after season 3, and this tends to suggest that there are more surprises still to come.

No matter where she is or what she’s doing, the space program is the thing that this character knows more than anything else. We do think that she will find her way back to that eventually, and it is largely just a matter of when and how.

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Want to get a better sense of what could be coming, or at least what executive producer Ronald D. Moore is excited for people to see? Then just go ahead and see some of his new comments now per Collider:

I’m really interested in the Margo storyline of Margo’s life behind the Iron Curtain, seeing her struggling by herself. They saved her, they kept her out of jail, and then they just kind of put her on an iceberg, and she’s been there by herself. No one’s really taking her phone calls anymore, and yet she’s determined to work her way back to a space program one way, shape, or form. I think that’s a really interesting journey for the character, and I think it’s also just interesting to see how the Soviet Union has evolved in this alternate timeline.

We do know that there has been a little more cooperation as of late between the US and the Soviet Union within the world of this show, but there are some variables here that could potentially threaten that. Take, for starters, the death of Grigory, which we saw near the end of this past episode. Also, add to this the fact that the mineral extraction process on Mars could lead to a lot more drama.

Related Be sure to get some more news regarding For All Mankind and what lies ahead right now

What do you most want to see moving into For All Mankind season 4 episode 2?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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