The Gilded Age season 2 episode 3 spoilers: The opera war

Next week on The Gilded Age season 2 episode 3, we are going to have a chance to see a story titled “Head to Head.” What is the focus of this particular story? Well, let’s just say that things are going to keep ramping up when it comes to the opera.
Who would’ve thought that such a conflict would be anywhere near as compelling as it is? We’re not going to pretend that we know much of anything about the opera, let alone the opera in a particular time period like this. Nonetheless, we do think that this isn’t so much about the music. Instead, this is all about influence and everyone trying their best to flex their social muscles against each other.
As for what else is coming, including a pretty valuable story for Peggy, go ahead and check out the full The Gilded Age season 2 episode 3 synopsis below:
As the opera war heats up, an unlikely guest attends Bertha’s Met fundraiser, while Agnes backs Mrs. Astor’s effort to preserve the Academy’s dominance. Meanwhile, Peggy offers to travel with Mr. Fortune to Alabama to cover a story about the Tuskegee Institute, Ada organizes a special luncheon for Mr. Forte, George attempts to sway Henderson, and Watson considers an offer.
In general, we do tend to think that this season is all about watching people fly closer and closer to the metaphorical son. George wants more money, Bertha wants more influence, and Peggy wants to make a further name for herself. Some ambitions are good; others, not so much. Who is going to crash and burn? We don’t think that this is necessarily a world where everyone is going to get what they want, but the journeys there are certainly compelling.
Of course, let’s just hope that this episode is as rich and as complicated as what we’ve seen ever since the very start. The creative team has always done a good job of cramming a lot into a short period of time.
What do you most want to see moving into The Gilded Age season 2 episode 3 on HBO next week?
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