Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Felicia keeps fighting
We know that today in the Big Brother 25 house, Felicia is very much on the ropes — more than likely, she’ll be gone on Sunday night’s eviction. She is still going to fight for her life in the game, but can she really convince Jag to flip?
For now, here is some of where things stand. Bowie Jane won the Head of Household and has officially made it to finale night. Meanwhile, Jag won the final four Veto earlier today. He has a choice to evict Matt or Felicia, so what will he choose to do in the end?
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We should note that this afternoon, Felicia did her best to campaign to Jag, explaining that Matt was going to take her out and also that she would take him to the final two over Bowie Jane. Why? In her view, she didn’t believe Bowie deserved it. This was probably not the best argument to make there, since Jag could easily just relay that to Bowie and they can use that to bash her further.
The best thing that Felicia could say at this point is pretty simple: That Jag stands the best chance of winning versus her and Bowie, and it is the easiest road to a slam-dunk victory. She has to think in terms of how he can get a guaranteed win, even if that means putting her own game down a little bit. We should note that Matt is at least worried since for the first time all game, he is vulnerable entering an eviction.
Will Jag at least consider the move?
We think so, but we also don’t think he would tell Felicia even if he does decide to save her. There’s a chance she wouldn’t keep it to herself, and he could rely on the last-minute emotional high of Felicia being saved to make her less likely to be focused during part one of the final Head of Household. That could be endurance, which could prove to be an easy competition for him to win.
Related – Get more news about Jag’s victory in the final four Veto now
Do you think there is anything Felicia could do to save herself in Big Brother 25?
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