Survivor 45 episode 6: J. Maya voted out; Kaleb’s Shot in the Dark

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Photo: CBS

Before we even get too far into Survivor 45 episode 6, why can’t we have a normal merge? Is that too much to ask?

Instead of getting something more traditional, we instead had this midway challenge where the 13 players were divided into two different groups with Katurah in the middle. Kaleb, J, Jake, Dee, Emily, and Kellie were on Red, whereas Sifu, Drew, Bruce, Austin, Julie, and Kendra were on Blue. Katurah banked on the Blue Tribe to win the challenge, which meant she’d get the merge buff and be safe in the event that she won. That is precisely what happened! The Red Tribe would be vulnerable going into Tribal.

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So what actually happened here? Well, it seemed like there were two real choices among the 13-person group, who were all still voting even if most of them were safe. Kaleb was a major target by Bruce and others, mostly because he was too social and able to maneuver around camp in a way that irked him. Meanwhile, J was just an easy target that everyone could get out, and she was not in the majority of the Reba group.

Kaleb helped to save Emily in the past and tonight, Emily helped Kaleb by telling him he was in danger. He then used that bit of information to go around and tell Reba that Bruce found an idol on Lulu, giving them a reason to trust him.

Entering Tribal Council…

Well, let’s just say that it actually made a lot more sense to get rid of Kaleb, who is clearly a far more dangerous player of the two people really in danger. J has yet to show that she is an altogether aware player and really, didn’t seem to understand the hierarchy of Reba. There could be a chance for her to go at any point in the future.

Yet, Kaleb is a great social player and is pretty good at selling himself. He did go a little too over-the-top at Tribal Council, though, which may show one of his weaknesses — he goes a little harder than he has to! He managed to stay, though, thanks to the Shot in the Dark!

Because of this, Kaleb was a-okay. However, that could not be said for J. Maya, who was a goner. It still took a lot of insanity to get to this point, though. They had to re-vote, mostly due to the fact that Kaleb lost his vote.

What did you think about the overall events of Survivor 45 episode 6?

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