Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Campaigns and plots (day 91)

As we prepare to watch a new episode of Big Brother 25 tonight on CBS, the Halloween party is still looming in the house. What that entails remains to be seen, but we hope it’s an opportunity for Cirie and Felicia to have a little more fun than they’ve had the vast majority of the past week.
For those a little behind, we know already that Cirie is the target for Jag and Bowie Jane, who are the only two voting. Will they change their mind? That feels unlikely. We saw Cirie briefly campaign to Jag, who lied to her and said that she was good. We think Cirie probably knows that he is lying and even if she doesn’t, she is not the sort to be blindsided. Even in spite of all the chaos Felicia caused last week, she’s still done her best to help her. That’s because Cirie understands that it’s always been just a game between the two of them, and there is an element of friendship there — even if it’s messy at times.
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Later on today, Jag and Bowie had a discussion about possibly throwing Matt under the bus in the event that Felicia wins HoH, not that this matters all that much. The reason why it’s still hard to fully buy into Jag, Matt, and Bowie as legitimate power players is because none of them have a great understanding of how the final four / final three really works. It’s all about the final four Veto! We do think that Jag wants to take Matt out before final two despite all of the gassing-up he does of the Minutemen; however, would he really get rid of Felicia over him if he gets the opportunity? We do wonder about that.
For the record, Felicia absolutely will put both of the guys on the block if she wins — which is still possible. She has shown herself to be a fighter; even when she doesn’t do well in every comp, she always tries her hardest.
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