Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Halloween party incoming?

We know that there has been a lot of drama and frustration as of late when it comes to the Big Brother 25 live feeds but for this piece, we want to change the subject to Halloween. After all, it is an extremely rare occasion where the players get to celebrate October 31 in the house!
For those of you who are true diehards, you may remember that on Big Brother: Over the Top, we did get to see a Halloween party complete with costumes and even some trick-or-treaters (former houseguests) who turned up for a moment. This was a fun little break from the game, and a part of what made that show unique.
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So could we see something similar today? We’d love that, but honestly, we’re not expecting anything on the same level since OTT was also trying to cater exclusively to feeders. It does sound like production is going to give them some stuff to better enjoy the holiday and honestly, they’ll need some of the footage for the show. Remember that they probably want something else to show this week beyond Jag, Matt, and Bowie Jane being awful to Cirie and Felicia, and this could be it. Maybe it can be a jolt to reset the energy of the house.
Honestly, we don’t expect there will be a lot of Big Brother seasons moving forward where Halloween is a big deal, given that it was the WGA strike that led to this season airing so late in the year. With that, consider today an oddity more so than something that will be repeatable a little bit later on down the road.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on the Big Brother 25 live feeds, including the state of the eviction
What do you want to see today over the course of Halloween in Big Brother 25?
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