Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Final 5 Veto Ceremony aftermath

We are a few hours removed from the latest Big Brother 25 Veto Ceremony, so what in the world is going on in the game?
First and foremost, here is your reminder that Cirie and Felicia remain on the block and with that, one of them is going to be out in fifth place. Cirie is the one clearly in the most danger, and it remains to be seen if she can get out of it.
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We will go ahead and say that, quite hilariously, Reilly’s name has already been conjured up in all of this — though mostly through the lens of Cirie telling Matt and Jag that she’s contemplated including her in her speech, saying that Reilly told her to trust them and she was glad that she did. (Personally, it would be hilarious if she actually said that on the show.) Matt has since acted like Reilly didn’t know anything in the game, which is pretty ironic given that for most of the season, he has used her as his strategic guiding light and north star.
Felicia has yet to do or say too much on the campaign front and honestly, is not really in any need to hurry things along. It seems like they players are trying to instead just enjoy whatever backyard time that they can, given that this is steadily getting away from them and before too long, they will be trapped inside for the rest of the season. (It is still pretty darn funny that the producers gave them the grill so late in the process.)
Do you think anything interesting will come out of the next few days within the Big Brother 25 house?
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