Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Reilly q-tip shrine returns
We are a few hours removed at this point from the Big Brother 25 final five nomination ceremony, so where are things at right now?
Well, let’s start off here by making things rather clear, at least for the moment — Head of Household Matt has Cirie and Felicia on the block. Are they the real targets? Honestly, that is still murky since he has said different things to different people. He has told Cirie that he would like to take a bigger shot after Veto, but also told Jag and Bowie Jane that he would say that. Honestly, we think that Matt may just hope that someone wins the Veto that keeps him from having to make a big decision at all here, if possible. (We know that Jag and Bowie Jane, if possible, want to get Cirie out this week.)
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Gameplay-wise, this is a rather quiet night since everyone knows not that much can really be done until after the Power of Veto. Where things get a little bit weirder here comes courtesy of Reilly’s HoH letter, which has to be one of the more distressing letters in recent weeks. Sure, it was great for Matt to get a reminder that Reilly actually shares the same feelings that he does … but it also means that we’re going to hear endless conversation about someone who was evicted more than two months ago.
In the past 24 hours, we have heard all sorts of unrealistic expectations for Matt and Reilly’s hypothetical relationship outside the house. Also, the q-tip heart she left right before her eviction has been recreated, and Matt is now convinced that they could have been the big showmance of the season.
What is all of this reminding us? Well, in the end, that Hisam made the right choice evicting her. In between Matt, Jag, and Blue, those three were willing to do almost anything for her in the game. What a strange season this would have been had she stuck around.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 25, including results from the nomination ceremony
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