Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Matt’s nomination plan

With the nomination ceremony happening a little bit later today within Big Brother 25, of course it makes sense for Matt to understand far in advance what he wants to do. We do have a decent idea of it for now, but remember that things could very-much change on the other side of the Veto.
At the moment, the biggest thing that is clear is that he, as a first-time Head of Household, does not want to do anything too crazy until we get to the other side of the Power of Veto being played. Cirie and Felicia will be the nominees, and he will convince Cirie that there is not anything to be worried about.
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So what happens in the event that Felicia wins Veto? The claim being set up here is that Bowie Jane would then be nominated, and who knows? If it is actually up to Jag and Felicia then to vote, there is a chance of a 1-1 tie and from there, Matt breaks it and sends Bowie packing. That is one possibility, and another is taking a shot at Jag in the event he does not win the Power of Veto. This would be a big risk for Matt, who would note be able to play in the final four HoH and would only have one chance to save himself.
We do think that Matt does not want Cirie to go this week; the only danger he runs into at this point is if Bowie Jane and Jag remain the only two voting when the dust actually settles. They have already talked about the idea of going after Cirie this week, and just not saying anything to their alliance partner until after the Veto Ceremony. That way, he doesn’t really have all that much in the way of control on the matter.
What do you want to see over the rest of the day in Big Brother 25?
Who do you think are the right ultimate choices for nominations? Share right now in the comments, and also come back around for more.