Gen V season 1 episode 7: Marie and Victoria Neuman’s secret

We knew entering Gen V season 1 episode 7 on Prime Video there was the potential for some huge reveals. One of the biggest one came courtesy of Marie Moreau and Victoria Neuman.
Now, there have been some theories out there for a good while that the Vice-Presidential candidate was actually the benefactor for the series’ female lead. As it turns out, that was true — Neuman found out about Marie through Red River, and she recognized, as well, that she was someone with similar powers. We don’t exactly think that Victoria is some purely benevolent soul here, as she clearly feels like she could be useful in some way. The precise details, however, remain to be seen.
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Ultimately, this moment did allow for there to be enough trust built up here for Marie to make an important admission to Neuman: The truth about the doctor, Dean Shetty, and the Woods. She wanted to help to shut it down for good, but Victoria said no. Why? Well, the answer is pretty simple here — she wants to potentially have Marie in the Seven someday, or at least the illusion of that. She can’t have that if she gets involved in secret operations, and the truth here is going to be a little bit more complicated, to put it mildly.
Of course, how much will Marie follow this advice?
Let’s just put it in pretty simple terms here: It feels pretty darn unlikely, all this considered. This is someone who has managed to find her own voice and autonomy in here at God U. We don’t think that she can or will just sit by and become an innocent bystander at this point. This is really not something that makes a good deal of sense.
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.