The Golden Bachelor episode 6: Gerry Turner hometown dates

Next week on The Golden Bachelor episode 7, be prepared for the moment we’ve been waiting for — Gerry Turner’s hometown dates! There is going to be without question a good bit of romance here, but also a fun part of the reality TV experience that we have never seen before with this franchise.
After all, typically on hometowns you see the leads, men or women, trying to impress the parents of various contestants. Now, they will have to impress kids, including many who are used to their mother being with someone else. This could be jarring for a lot of them, especially since they don’t want to see their parents hurt.
Granted, we should say that Gerry Turner is about as kind and generous a lead as you are going to fine, and he will likely make someone on the show pretty happy. However, at the same time people are still going to be heartbroken, and that is an unfortunate consequence of being a part of this show. Only one person will be there for the final rose and it is coming up soon.
Based on what we saw in the promo for what lies ahead, Gerry is going to be spending a lot of time with some of the women’s grandchildren. It is really clear at this point that he has feelings for everyone left — after all, he even said that he’s in love with all three!
Who will he choose?
This is where the decision gets really tough. Personally, we tend to think that Leslie has the most common with him (she also likes to maintain a super-active lifestyle), and beyond that, geographically she lives at a spot that is not that far away from where Gerry is. With everyone else, it would require an even more substantial move at the end of the day.
What do you most want to see entering The Golden Bachelor episode 6 next week?
Who are you rooting for to end up with Gerry Turner? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, keep coming back for some other updates.
This article was written by Jessica BunBun.