Survivor 45 episode 5: Will immunity idol rules stay?

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Tomorrow night on Survivor 45 episode 5, are we going to have a chance to see at least one more immunity idol search. Will it be found? That is the big question, but we have seen already that Katurah, over on the Lulu camp, is going to be searching.

Now that we’ve said all of this, let’s go ahead and pose the following question: Is someone on Lulu going to have to burn an idol through wax? Or, is there a different challenge that will be presented for them now?

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We do think that if there is one thing that Survivor needs when it comes to the pre-merge game, it is consistency across the board when it comes to the idols, no matter when they are found and if it is before or after the swap. We do think that there is another idol that will be out there on the Lulu camp but with that being said, it is our hope that it actually ends up having a different set of stipulations to it. We don’t think that you can do the wax thing for the second straight instance, but it does make sense for the producers to bring at least something new to the table.

Hopefully, we’re going to have a chance to see the producers have multiple plans for every idol in the game. That way, if one is found, there is something more that will be done after the fact to institute a challenge. We also wouldn’t be mad if we saw the same rules all over again involving losing a vote if you want to extend the idol’s life — it does, after all, bring another element of risk into the equation.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Survivor, including some other sneak peeks on what lies ahead

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