Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Felicia breaks the news to Jag

Nothing about this afternoon’s Big Brother 25 update should surprise anyone, but we do think that it is pretty darn important even still.
Here’s where things begin. Last night, Cirie told Felicia about a conversation she had with Matt, one where he discussed possibly taking a shot at Jag later on in the game. Cirie then parroted much of that conversation to Felicia, who has now brought it to Jag to explain how the bulk of the house is going to be targeting him in some way moving forward. Jag acted surprised to hear it, but why should he be? Remember for a moment here that he has won several competitions in the row and will be extremely vulnerable moving into the Double Eviction.
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What we are starting to see at this point is an interesting split within the game, one where Matt seems to have Cirie on his side, while Jag has Felicia and has been working hard to get Bowie Jane. America is poised to be the easy Double Eviction target, but she would go after Matt and Jag in the event that she wins power.
What Felicia thinks that she is doing here is quite simple: she is hoping to make it as far in the game as possible, and she thinks that trying to hitch her wagon to Jag, at least for now, could be a way in which to help her for at least a certain stretch of time. Whether or not that ends up actually being the case remains to be seen, but clearly she’s trying to find a way to get to the final three. Whether or not she’s able to leverage that into a spot in the final two is to be seen, but we are curious to know what she would say insofar as a jury speech goes.
Do you think Jag learning the truth from Felicia is going to change anything?
Is he still going to want to go far into the game with Matt? Be sure to share right now in the comments, and come back to get some other updates.