Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Jag’s pecking order (day 84)

We have now made it a few hours into day 84 of Big Brother 25 and with that, we at least have a better sense of Jag’s plan in the game.
So where should we start off here? Well, for starters, that Blue is still going and that he is still planning to tell her in advance. He does not want this to be a blindside, and he also wants to stop anyone else who is going to try and get more blood on his hands.
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To be specific here, Felicia went to him earlier today and told him about Cirie’s idea to split the vote 2-2 and then force Jag to break the tie. He argued that this plan was not exactly what Cirie is making it up to be; rather, she may be trying to get Felicia to vote one way before either isolating her or claiming the vote as her own a little bit later. (We don’t think this is really happening, but nobody over-thinks like Jag does.)
Speaking later with Bowie Jane, Jag did concede that if he’s on the block versus Matt, he likely gets evicted. He reiterated a final three with Matt and Bowie Jane and that personally, he’d like Cirie gone before Felicia at the final five. This is clearly where he and Matt differ, since Matt obviously would like Cirie around longer given that the two are close. There are some divides over how the Minutemen play and because of that, who wins the next few competitions is going to prove to be pretty darn important, all things considered. Jag can only play in the Veto during the Double Eviction and yet, he may still be safe depending on who ends up landing in power.
What do you think is Jag’s best path to the end on Big Brother 25?
Be sure to let us know in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — there are other updates ahead that we don’t want you missing.