Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: What is Felicia doing? (day 84)

We have now made it to day 84 of Big Brother 25 — so what is that going to entail? Let’s just say there are so many questions that still need to be answered.
When it comes to the eviction this week, for example, how can we say anything for sure right now? Well, we do think that there is going to be waffling still ahead, even if for right now, it appears as though Blue is 100% going to be sent out versus America.
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What we want to do here is highlight Felicia, though, given that she’s spent the past three days repeatedly throwing Cirie under the bus. She hasn’t mentioned to anyone yet a piece of valuable info that Cirie told her yesterday — that Matt is potentially opening to targeting Jag down the road — but it feels like it’s coming.
What is her endgame here? Well, it seems to be working to just make it as far as possible in the game. She realizes that she’s not a comp beast and with that, she seems fine to just make it another week or so and then try to defeat them in a random mental comp down the line. This is as opposed to Cirie and America, who are a bit more proactive in their approach. With Blue going this week, these two may be the biggest thing standing in the way of the Minutemen’s ultimate victory.
We do wish that there were more people playing the game for themselves and not just trying to make it deep in the game and settling for third or fourth place; however, this happens pretty often within the game. It’s been a part of several recent seasons, though you can argue that season 19 is the one that is the most notorious for this thanks to how Paul controlled much of the game, only to still lose at the end of the season to Josh.
Related – Be sure to get some other Big Brother 25 coverage now from yesterday
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