Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Did Cirie make a big mistake?

If you have read the bulk of our Big Brother 25 updates all season, then you probably know our stance on one Cirie Fields already — we are talking about one of the best players within the history of reality TV. She’s consistently great at just about everything she does, so it’s hard to expect anything different here!
Despite being a huge social and strategic threat, she has now made it to the final six; yet, at the same time, has she just made a critical error that could hurt her big-time in the Double Eviction? It’s either that or a calculated risk…
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Here is what we can say: Earlier tonight, Cirie told Felicia that earlier today, Matt told her that he was contemplating making a move against Jag. It is 100% correct that Matt said this — to be specific, he is thinking about it (allegedly) at final four. He may have just said that to make Cirie feel comfortable sticking with him, or to see if the information would spread. Cirie could be doing the same. She thinks that something is off with Felicia and she’s right, as Felicia has been spreading gossip about her game for days on end. She may be waiting to see if Felicia tells this to Jag and Jag tells Matt … and we’ll see exactly what happens in that situation.
Or, could this be that Cirie actually thinks that Felicia will keep it to herself at this point? She may think that she has to trust someone and Blue’s likely heading out the door. Meanwhile, America is shifty in her own right, but we think she’d be more loyal to Cirie given that she doesn’t have many other places to turn right now.
Related – Be sure to get some more news from Big Brother 25 earlier today
Do you think that Cirie has made a huge mistake in the Big Brother 25 house?
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