Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: The current eviction plan (day 83)

What is going to happen with the Big Brother 25 eviction a little later in the week? Let’s just say there’s a chance that things could get messy.
For now, here is some of what we will say at present. Blue and America remain on the block after the Veto Ceremony, and Jag’s plan is the same as it has been over the past week — get his one-time close ally in Blue out of the game. She doesn’t see it coming, and doing this is a way to better ensure that he can win the late-game competitions that he needs to in order to make it to the final two. Playing just with competitions in mind is risky, but Jag’s trying it — and he also may think that he is past the point of no return when it comes to being under the radar.
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Now, Jag has told Cirie and Felicia that Blue is 100% the target, and they have since debated whether or not they actually want to give him what he wants. If they tied it up 2-2, Jag would be forced to break the tie and then also get even more blood on his hands. They also do need to think about their own long-term game so that is another wrinkle thrown in here.
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Interestingly, he did tell Cirie that earlier on in the day. He could be lying just to make her more comfortable (he and Jag have discussed doing that), but there’s also a ton of logic to the idea. If he can get Jag out here and if he wins the final HoH and gets out Cirie, he wins in a runaway. If it is versus Cirie, we’d almost vote her out of the sheer insanity of going to the end with her. (Plus, she was such a huge target from the start.)
This is a situation at least to watch over the past couple of weeks, mostly because it’s felt like the Minutemen were this impenetrable two-person group.
Related – Read more now on the latest Big Brother 25 Veto Ceremony
Do you think getting out Blue is the right move on Big Brother 25 this week?
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