Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony results, week 12

This afternoon the Veto Ceremony took place on Big Brother 25 — so what actually happened? Were there any big changes?
Well, we should start off here by mentioning the fact that Jag won the Power of Veto, and we did not think for most of the weekend that he was actually going to use it. Even if there was a case for him to at least contemplate the idea and he did, he’s been set on getting Blue out of the game for a good while.
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With all of this in mind, we can’t say we are shocked to be sitting here and saying that Jag did NOT use his Veto and as a result, Blue and America remain on the block. We do anticipate an incredible amount of flip-flopping over the next few days, given that you can argue both parties have advantages and disadvantages to their game long-term. America may be a better strategic player, but she hasn’t won anything save for a puzzle at the very start of the season. Blue may be more of a competition threat, but she’s also far more loyal to Matt and Jag. Matt and Bowie Jane are both voting, so really they can control this vote with Jag serving as a tiebreaker. They can get out whoever they want this time around.
Strategically, we do think that Cirie is a bigger long-term threat than either one of them, but it feels pretty clear that there wasn’t that much of a strategic path to getting Cirie out of the game this week without upsetting Matt. That’s something that Jag has to delicately figure out the rest of the season — but she will have to go eventually if he wants to improve his odds.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 25, including some additional live-feed updates
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