Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: America, Cirie look ahead

There are a few different things to think about when it comes to the state of Big Brother 25 today, but what actually matters the most?
On the surface, you would think that it would pertain to the Veto Ceremony given that it is happening tomorrow. Also, Felicia has thrown Cirie under the bus so many times this weekend. However, that doesn’t actually appear to be the case at the end of the day. Jag does not have any plans to use the Veto and with that, America and Blue are going to remain on the block — with Blue serving as the target moving forward.
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Instead, what we think matters this week above all else is getting a chance to see some of the other players in the house really try to figure out their best path forward. We tend to think that for Cirie, she is starting to realize more and more that America is a more valuable ally at this point that Felicia. She has already proven herself to be willing to make moves, and also (at least at this point) less willing to spread info around. She realizes that the guys are running the game and need to be split up.
Watching Cirie and America moving forward could prove to be rather interesting, though they have major challenges ahead, including potentially winning competitions. America discussed with Cirie at least having a conversation with Jag about the Veto, and we know that the two remain interested in trying to get Bowie Jane away from the guys. Whether that can actually happen remains to be seen, but this is something that they are absolutely putting a lot of work into at this particular moment in time.
Most of the day has been fairly quiet, as one of the big highlights was watching everyone use the grill. We will see if that changes here soon.
What do you most want to see moving into Big Brother 25 moving forward this week?
Do you like the idea of America and Cirie together? Be sure to share in the comments! Also, come back for some other updates.