Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Who won the Veto, week 12?

Who won the week 12 Power of Veto today on Big Brother 25? As per usual, there is a good bit to discuss here!
So, where should we start? Well, first and foremost, let’s begin with the fact that everyone other than Cirie is taking part in it today. Head of Household Jag nominated Blue and America, and the bulk of the house (save for Blue) realizes that Blue is a big-time target of his. There is always a chance that she wins the Veto, which would lead to a hilarious scenario in which she thinks, once again, that it was always the plan for her to win it and she won’t listen to anyone who tells her otherwise.
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The big surprise today was simply that the Veto kicked off in the morning, much earlier than we anticipated. What is the reason for that? If we had to issue a guess here, it has a thing or two to do with the fact that production wants to give the players access to the backyard later on in the day, given that they will likely have to shut it down later in the week due to the Double Eviction. While it is hot out in the Los Angeles area today, it is not that hot, all things considered.
So, who actually won?
Let’s go ahead and get to that now. Jag won … again! He has utterly dominated the game since Cameron left, and basically won two Vetoes and two separate Head of Household Competitions. He won’t be eligible to play in the Double Eviction HoH, so this really feels like we could be seeing a repeat of last season with Michael. If he loses that Veto, he could be gone — we mostly just wonder if even Matt would want to take the shot at him at this point.
Who were you rooting for to win the Power of Veto today within the Big Brother 25 house?
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