Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Week 12 nominations

The week 12 nominations are now official in the Big Brother 25 house — while there are no surprises here, some players may feel that way eventually.
So where should we start? Let’s just remind everyone that for most of the day, Head of Household Jag has reiterated his plan to put America and Blue up and to get Blue out of the game. The latter remains pretty baffling, mostly due to the fact that she’s not as direct a threat to him as some other people in the house. He just doesn’t see the danger with Cirie and Felicia, especially Cirie given how close she is to Matt.
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Now, leading up to the ceremony, Jag had conversations with all of the players. America proposed her deal, which is that if she is safe this week at the end of the day, she would not nominate Matt or Jag in the Double Eviction. (Whether she actually intends on holding true to this is an entirely different story.) He told her that he had to nominate her, mostly because of the speech she made the night before and it would look really suspicious otherwise. Meanwhile, he told Blue that she was a pawn and using her to help ensure that America leaves. Supposedly Blue understands, but does she really?
(Breaking news: Blue told Cirie the truth about her job as a brand strategist, which isn’t that big a deal.)
America and Blue are now officially on the block, and this is the last week where not everyone is going to get to the play in the Veto. More than likely, Felicia will be the replacement nominee in the event the power gets used.
What do you think about Jag’s Big Brother 25 nominations this week?
Do you think he is helping or hurting himself? Share below, and also keep coming back for some other updates.